Friday, January 28, 2005

The Infinite Cat Project

The Infinite Cat Project - Cats watching cats watching cats.

We're so lucky to have the Internet. Without the Internet, how could we ever have gotten this wonderful Infinite Cat Project thingy? It's sublime... Cats are totally the gods of us, so we worship them properly by taking their pictures and putting them on the Internet for other humans to admire and pay homage.

This Infinite Cat Project, which we should probably call the ICP for shorts, goes further than just giving props. It touches on the very nature of reality! We humans are all just cat-picture-takers, existing only in the minds of the cats, created to invent and handle cameras so that they might be immortalized in digital form, looking at each other and reflecting and multiplying across the universe.

Or could be I'm just real short on sleep. But I think it's the nature of reality thing.


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