Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's Been 3 Months... I'll Post About Cat Puke!

I bought a little tropical plant today at IKEA. Three dollars! I put it on top of the dryer to sit until I can take it with me to work. When I was about to come downstairs, I noticed the plant had been knocked over.

I thought, that's weird. I guess I knocked it over, but I don't see how. I thought, my brother didn't put anything on there, I don't think... Huh. Oh, well.

Coming downstairs, I saw a strange dark mass on one of the stair risers, maybe halfway down. It was too large and dark and compact to be like normal kitty puke, but I figured, maybe a mousie toy, or maybe somebody had an unprecedented poop or something. The kitties are very good about pooping properly, but maybe someone was sick. {worry, worry.}

I went down the stairs. When I reached it, it was weirdly bright green. I thought, uh, oh. Someone is REALLY sick, if it's bright green like this!

Nope. Just one, big, nearly whole, leaf from my new tropical plant. Undigested, puked up just as swallowed. I don't even have to worry that someone's poisoned. All I have to worry about is what ELSE they'll swallow entire. ...wait, where's my car keys?


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