Friday, February 04, 2005

Making Snooty French Food - Damn You, Alton Brown!

Food Network: Recipes

Alton Brown on Food Network is damn entertaining. He makes cooking snooty French food look like fun. Which is why, on the spur of a whim of an idiotic urge, I decided to make something special for my sister's birthday.

This wouldn't be a problem. But I told her about it. I had to! You can't just show up with coq au vin on someone's doorstep! They'll already be full, because they'll have eaten leftover macaroni casserole. And I don't really know from coq au vin, but I imagine it doesn't sit and molder in the fridge well, like lasagna does. (Lasagna is better the second day. Mmmm.... lasagna....) So I told her, as you do, because she has the kids, and people with kids have massive Timing Issues with meals, seriously. Now I'm really stuck, and I have to actually try to make the stuff! And I don't eat meat myself, so it's not like I can even TRY it! Oh, well, I'm trying to lose weight, but it's still kind of torturous. Torture! Torture!

For the few people here who don't speak French, "coq au vin" means "chicken with wine." Which, uh, is about as snooty and French as you could probably get without a waiter sneering at you. Well, okay, chicken's not so snooty. But trust me, the way they make it, yes, it is definitely snooty.

My sister deserves some fancy, snooty food. Seriously. She never does anything just for herself. I could go into it, but.

So I blame Alton Brown. That guy is trouble. Don't even watch his show! Next thing you know, you'll be buying crepe pans and making homemade soups. Hey! He's on right now! He's making... ooh, lobster! I wonder how hard that is to make...

DAMN him again!


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