Thursday, February 03, 2005

News: Time Wasted by People! (Save Us!)

World's Largest Twine Ball. Roadside America

People often say that some people have way too much time on their hands. I hate that... Not only is it a cliche, but it's pretty judgmental. Who are they to declare that someone else's interests and passions are pointless and wasteful? Why is the waste of someone else's time such a crime, anyway? Would they approve the time-spending, if the spender had OCD that caused them to obsessively scrub the bathroom floor six times a day?

Besides, a lot of things that have seemed like a waste of time to some people at some point in time have turned out to lead to great things.

Take the giant ball of twine. It's big! It's twine! What could be better than that, unless it involved beer or cheese dip? How could you claim that as time wasted? It's brought at least tens of dollars to small towns in roadside America!

Also counted among things that once seemed like a questionable use of time to some people: the internet. Oh, wait. Scratch that! That's still just a massive waste of time.


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