Sunday, April 10, 2005

All The Hair You Can Eat, And More!

Hair Styles Catalog - 1000 Hairstyles

Boris, I am thinkink you vill like my hair, dah? NYET?!? I vill KILL you!

What a great site! They have all kinds of interesting crap about hair and picking a stylist and good salon products and not going bald and not accidentally making your hair turn into mush and wash it down the drain! I LIKE not washing my hairmush down the drain! Also, Pantene is BAD, so don't use it!

The bestest part of the site is the eight bazillion pictures of hair styles! I NEVER can pick a decent style for my hair, and consequently what's on top of my head is basically whatever feels like being up there. It leaves me alone, and I leave it alone. I feed it and water it occasionally, but I don't taunt it, tease it, harass it, or any other unpleasantness like that stuff. Of course... It doesn't make me happy! My hair and I have... grown apart. So to speak. Because, you know, it's still ATTACHED and all. But.

So, eight gwigtillion pictures! Neato! You look through these squintillion pictures, and every so often you see a model with something that's just goofy going on... But you have to remember, every single picture shows what the stylist INTENDED. They cut it, then sprayed it, and posed the model JUST SO. If they have a bizarre chunk of hair pointing off in some random direction, it is pointing there because it is the will of the artist. If that were my head, I would want to comb that out, or brush it back off my face, but no: it is On Purpose.

That, of course, applies only to the HAIR. Some of the models have wigged-out expressions on their faces that the stylist, frankly, might just not have been able to control.

"OMG! PLEASE don't let her stare that weird way when they take the picture! She looks like she's desperate to see if the photographer has any crack cocaine he could share."

Then, of course, there are the times when the resulting picture is the fault of no one but Mother Nature herself. (That bitch!) The bugged-out eyes or weird Jackson-esque triangle noseholes? Not something the hairstyle will help with, sorry.

Well... Mother Nature and maybe some bad plastic surgery. (Those bitches!)


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