Sunday, April 10, 2005

Cat Spit Available In Quantity For Our Special Customers

My kitty Nitwit is runty, due to having been homeless as a kitten. She snuck into my house one day in search of food, and ended up staying. Months later, she let me pet her! Even more months later, she now lets me pick her up and play football with her. Well, pick her up. Not the other part. Maybe someday.

She's very playful and adorable, and since she's runty I basically let her do whatever she wants. Also... she's a cat. Cat Math does not allow for human desires or needs to factor in to cat behavior.

She spends a lot of time atop my monitor, where it's warm and nice. Heated air blasts up at her, which is luvly. Rarely, but once in a while, she even looks over the edge to check out what I'm doing.

And even though she's smart, and way too slick to fall for the old flashlight-beam-of-light-on-the-floor thing, she still can't get over the mouse. The little arrow zips around the screen, and she tries and tries to get it. I don't think she'll have much luck with that.

But today, she got just so darned EXCITED about the little arrow. I suddenly notice a big stream of... DROOL... running down my monitor screen.

And THAT'S time to switch to the keyboard for a while.


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