Thursday, September 08, 2005

Because I am Evil Like That

I have a new game. It's called, "I Thought But Didn't Say."

I had to think up this game, because I am prone to thinking many, many highly inappropriate things, and these things might otherwise be blurtled right out of my mouth. Now it's a game! I can restrain myself if it's a game!

Today, playing I-Thought-But-Didn't-Say, I DIDN'T say something about immigrating to a new country and having a thick accent.

Tony, at my work, is from Russia. He's a very good guy. But he has a thick, Russian accent. I don't think his name is Tony, really. I think it's Antonin or something. I mean, Tony is a nickname for Anthony or Antonin, certainly, but I just don't see him as a Tony, what with the Slavicness in his speech.

Don't get me wrong -- I think it's cool, because my mother is from Lithuania. So, I really like hearing him talk. He's actually from Belarus, and they were part of the same kingdom, at one time. I told him we're probably related. Probably.

Imagine the accent in your head, because I'll feel bad if I type "ve vill" instead of "we will" and stuff like that, so it's better if you just pretend.

He was saying, "We will need a program to load this data in and BAM! Process it quickly!"

And I thought, but didn't say: "You mean BAMSKI, Igor!"

Thank you for playing our game today, folks.


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