Friday, February 04, 2005

sorry, cow

sorry, cow

I don't eat the meats... But I like cows. They seem like good people. The people at want you to sign their petition. They plan to apologize to a cow. Once they get a million names, a person is going to read the whole thing, all the names on the list, to a cow.

I can certainly understand why it might seem like a good idea to, well, apologize to cows. They really have it kinda sucky, what with the slaughter and the veal and the BRANDING, for gah's sake.

I expect no one in Texas will appreciate this plan. Except Austin. People are not that Texasy in Austin. Maybe Austin would like to secede from Texas and join a blue state. They can be part of Illinois!

But I gotta suspect that having to listen to a million-name-long list of people names is just gonna add to the hardness of the already sucky life of some poor cow.


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