Monday, May 30, 2005

Abe Vigoda is Still Not Dead

NNDB tracking Abe Vigoda

I'm so happy... Abe Vigoda is still doing just fine. He's swell, isn't he? Aren't you glad he's not dead?

You can find out interesting stuff about Abe Vigoda and why he's famous using NNDB. Now, NNDB is extra-good, because there are so many damn people in the land that you just don't know who the hell they all are or why they're famous. Their names come up! You wonder who they are!

For instance, Arianna Huffington (columnist and socialite) rolled out a ginormous blog site recently. She has featured posts, written by eminent or interesting people. Walter Cronkite, John Fund, Larry David, and so on. (Sadly, she neglected to invite me to contribute. Arianna!)

But the most notable blogger in this wide-ranging collection titled his post, "Thoughts from a guy who's got nothing but time." Who is it? Charles Manson. Yes, THAT Charles Manson. Criminal cult leader portrayed in "Helter Skelter."

I thought that guy had been, well, executed. So, naturally I had to consult my truest love Internet, and with a little looking around, it served up the bounteous NNDB. And NNDB told me that Charles Manson is NOT dead at all. (Just like Abe Vigoda!)

Manson is not dead. That doesn't really explain why Arianna Huffington is featuring him in her blogroll. In fact, it must be a joke. Hey, it is! The Charles Manson post is just a parody. Instead of the Huffington Post, it's the HuffingandPuffington Post. Ha ha, gee, that's so funny. (I might seem a little peeved here... I didn't THINK it was legit... But I hadn't seen the real site before. It took me a minute to figure it out.)

But I digress. (In fact, this whole blog is a digression, you know that, right?) But I digress again.

Sitting at your computer, faced with wondering about the current live-or-dead status of Charles Manson, or perhaps wondering who the heck he was, now you can visit NNDB. It will tell you neat Fun Facts. His level of fame? "Icon." His birth certificate reads "Noname Maddox." His occupation? "Criminal, Musician."

Please don't think I like Charles Manson, based on the interest I've shown. I'm just an info-pig! I need to know stuff! All the stuff!

Go to NNDB, and you will find out neat stuff too. Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, is also still alive! Ali G. interviewed him, and asked him, "What is it like to be the second man to walk on the sun?" (You can also look up Ali G, who is alive as well.)

Buzz was in the movie "The Boy In The Plastic Bubble," with John Travolta, where he appeared as himself, visiting a sick kid. He was 72 in 2002, and a conspiracy theorist confronted him in public, calling him a liar and a coward. He punched the guy in the jaw. Yay! Buzz Aldrin is tough and cool! Of course, you knew that, because his name is "Buzz." You have to be both tough and cool. You know, if your name is "Buzz."

Don't bother looking... My name is not listed in NNDB yet.


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