Friday, August 26, 2005

Mmm, Taste That Sweet, Sweet ElectricitPPPSS* Snap!

Cord-biting cat (not mine)

Damn it. They got to it again.

I do not, for the life of me, comprehend what is so damn attractive about adapter power cords. To cats, I mean. To me, they feel soft and rubbery and...

Back to the subject! We're talking about cats, here!

I just can not own a single power adapter without risking its integrity. I have three cats. For some reason, they can't keep themselves from chewing, chewing away. Every time they see that serpentine black wire, it's exciting-happy-biting time! I could try using capsaicin, the chemical that makes food taste hot to people, as it's recommended to prevent animals from chewing things... But Chully has developed a disturbing love for all things jalapeno, and I just have my doubts about whether that would work.

So, with my latest cell phone, I've been wary of their wily cat ways. I've taken special pains to keep the adapter stored away. I unplug it as soon as my phone is powered up, and I put it away in a clear plastic box that my tiny desktop fan came in. It's been working fine, despite the inconvenience of having to unbox it whenever I need to recharge. I thought I was being overly cautious.

But I just went to use the adapter, and I noticed the phone wasn't charging quite right. It STARTED to charge, but then stopped. It seemed to have a power interruption every time the power cord was moved. So, I examined the cord itself.

Teeth marks. They got me again! I must have stepped out to the bathroom at some point, last time I recharged. Damn that hydraulic distress!


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