Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Why Are We Still Watching Big Brother, Anyway?

Dingo's Hamster Watch - Big Brother 6

I probably shouldn't even admit I watch this show. But SOMEBODY'S watching, because why is this blargle still on the air, otherwise? (Why is it still on, even if people ARE watching?!? God, isn't CBS embarassed? They used to be the Tiffany network. I don't know who or what is rolling in their graves, but somebody's gotta be.)

But please, please, can somebody tell me what the deal is with James' eyebrows? Why do they look so creepy? He looks like Joey did on that one Friends episode, where he got his eyebrows shaped. And they only did one at first because it hurt too bad and he wussed out.

While he had one eyebrow still natural, it underscored how insanely creepy the waxed one looked. Not that I'm against getting rid of a unibrow, for example... But I think some guys just go too far.

And I just don't understand why more people don't mention that James looks creepy and weird. Every time I see him, I can't stop staring at his eyebrows.

I can't even get into all the OTHER reasons this is Not Good TV. I'm too busy reading about it at HamsterWatch, and watching the live feeds. (Just kidding! I'd never pay for the live feeds!)


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