Monday, October 03, 2005

Which to the what, now?

I was in a bank the other day, and noticed a Hurricane Katrina relief fund jar. I felt generous, as you do at a bank, yet I don't want to donate my hard-earned buckaroonies to just any fly-by-night, disreputable organization, like Catholic Churches of America or whatnot. I decided to ask the teller about it.

So I says to Mabel, I says, "What organization receives the funds from this donation jar?"

She looks at me, slightly googly-eyed, as if nobody had ever posed such a question before. "Um, I think it's, uh... Oh! Yes, it's Blue Cross... Blue Shield! Or something like that."

I looked back at her. "Do you mean... the Red Cross?"

"Oh! Yes, that's the one."

I kept my buckaroonies with me to donate at a later date.


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