Wednesday, February 09, 2005

You're Not Grown-Up Until You're 25

Slate Technology Stuff

From Slate:

People aren't fully rational until age 25. A study indicates the dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortex, which weighs risks, consequences, and long-term goals, keeps changing past age 21. Implication: Young adults may not deserve the freedom or responsibility of older adults.

Applications: 1) Virginia's state Senate has passed a ban on cell phone use by drivers under 18; the sponsor cites brain research as a basis. 2) The Supreme Court is considering whether brain research should limit use of capital punishment on teenagers. Meanwhile, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will direct California's juvenile prison system to focus on therapy and "positive reinforcement rather than punitive disciplinary methods." 3) The cortex forms earlier in women—should they get rights and responsibilities before men do? 4) Should we rethink marriage or military enlistment by people under age 25?

Okay. This makes sense. That's why I think that people should be allowed to have abortions even when their fetuses are, say, 200 months old.

Okay, that's not my original joke. (It works out to about 15 years old.)


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